cumulative probability analysis

Glen M. Sizemore gmsizemore2 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 18 07:01:17 EST 2004

T: Right idea! That's quite close.  It's the probability of an incoming IPSC
with indicated amplitude or lower.

GS: Isn't this sometimes called a "survivor plot" and the ordinate is
usually a log scale? As far as the inter-event plot goes, do you guys ever
use the opposite of cumulative probability, i.e., plot all the inter-event
intervals in a particular bin divided by that number plus all the
inter-event intervals of greater duration? That gives you the probability of
that inter-event interval given that it CAN happen (that's why all those of
shorter duration are removed.

"tomte" <tehgabriel at web.de> wrote in message
news:1adcf6cc.0408180217.9aa4d8d at posting.google.com...
> Hi!
> > I figure that amplitude refers to the abilitude of the IPSC, but what is
> > the cumulative probability and the interevent internal refering too? The
> > cumulative probability of there being an IPSC of that amblitude?
> Right idea! That's quite close.  It's the probability of an incoming
> IPSC with indicated amplitude or lower. The last point is important!
> cumulative probaility := P(amplitude &#8804; X)
> > and what are the events, that the interevent internal, is an interval
> The  events are the postsynaptic events => the IPSCs. It is the
> interval between two successive IPSPs (or IPSCs).
> Best regards,
> Thomas

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