How long will SSRI last in my brain?

minerva minervasparty at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 14 13:46:26 EST 2004

LA <LA at notgonnatell.com> wrote in message news:<411DCC2F.7B5 at notgonnatell.com>...
> here's another web site to take a look at:
> www.drugsawareness.org
> while everyone is unique and different and will have different results
> with SSRIs, it sure seems there are some cautions.
> with regard to how long the meds remain this quote seems to infer that
> there may be a longer residual than expected:
> "Recent medical studies show that that the brain levels of Prozac are
> 100 times greater than blood levels and it is believed that this is the
> case with the other serotonin reuptake inhibitors as well - evidence of
> toxic brain levels affecting behavior no matter what the blood levels
> demonstrate. As patients have continued to report, this accumulation is
> evidence that accumulation of drug residue will produce a delayed
> withdrawal and that it will continue to produce reactions, not only
> during the period of time the patient is using the drug, but for long
> periods of time after discontinuation of the drug use."
> so, well, there isn't an easy way to test brain levels, so who knows how
> long the stuff remains in the body.
> fish oil, lots of it, lecithin with b complex, whey, etc etc.  even if
> you stay on the meds.  These things do no harm and may help.
> la

Thanks you a lot LA. You wrote the most logic words I've heard in 5
I knew that SSRI can't change your system magically. You confirmed me
what I suspected for a lot of time. Cipramil is still present in my
brain, tightly bound to the tissues and slowly released in the blood
stream ( mostly in the brain). It's like a chemical prosthesis and you
can't get rid of it.

Now I'm sure that I'm fighting against something real.

I will follow your suggestions for sure

And the circle closes: I can't stop from taking Zyprexa because it was
present from the very beginnig while I was taking Cipramil. And I
can't break the equilibrium because Zyprexa still neutralizes

Your info are incredibly valuable for me, thank you again and thanks
to all who have replied.

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