here's another web site to take a look at:
while everyone is unique and different and will have different results
with SSRIs, it sure seems there are some cautions.
with regard to how long the meds remain this quote seems to infer that
there may be a longer residual than expected:
"Recent medical studies show that that the brain levels of Prozac are
100 times greater than blood levels and it is believed that this is the
case with the other serotonin reuptake inhibitors as well - evidence of
toxic brain levels affecting behavior no matter what the blood levels
demonstrate. As patients have continued to report, this accumulation is
evidence that accumulation of drug residue will produce a delayed
withdrawal and that it will continue to produce reactions, not only
during the period of time the patient is using the drug, but for long
periods of time after discontinuation of the drug use."
so, well, there isn't an easy way to test brain levels, so who knows how
long the stuff remains in the body.
fish oil, lots of it, lecithin with b complex, whey, etc etc. even if
you stay on the meds. These things do no harm and may help.