SB16's FM Synth [was Re: Hearing only with the brain?]

Curious curious11112001 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 12 22:35:01 EST 2004

I would like to somehow listen to SB16 FM Synth -- aka Creative Music
Synth [220] -- music from my computer directly to my brain.

Will it ever be possible to listen to Creative Music Synth [220] with
the brain directly?

"Jeff" <kidsdoc2000 at hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<ce6q4c$5v2 at library1.airnews.net>...
> "Curious" <curious11112001 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:34a4f456.0407271322.3e5dc2fc at posting.google.com...
> > Is it possible for deaf patients to use an radio-frequency wireless
> > electronic device in their auditory cortex that convert the RF signals
> > into signals the brain would recognize as the intended audio signal?
> Doubtful. The auditory information is spread over too many neurons by the
> time it gets to the auditory cortex.
> Jeff

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