Corrections in beginning of very long post:
Similar potent levels of methanol, and its inevitable products in the human
body, formaldehyde and formic acid, can also ensue from fermentation of
fruits by certain yeast and bacteria in the colon:
methanol (formaldehyde and formic acid) from fermentation of fruit in the
colon: Lindinger W, 1997 Aug: Murray 2004.08.10
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1997 Aug; 21(5): 939-43.
Endogenous production of methanol after the consumption of fruit.
Lindinger W, Taucher J, Jordan A, Hansel A, Vogel W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Leopold Franzens Universitat Innsbruck, Austria.
After the consumption of fruit, the concentration of methanol in the human
body increases by as much as an order of magnitude.
This is due to the degradation of natural pectin (which is esterified with
methyl alcohol) in the human colon.
In vivo tests performed by means of proton-transfer-reaction mass
spectrometry show that consumed pectin in either a pure form (10 to 15 g)
or a natural form (in 1 kg of apples) induces a significant increase of
methanol in the breath (and by inference in the blood) of humans.
The amount generated from pectin (0.4 to 1.4 mg)
is approximately equivalent to the total daily endogenous production
(measured to be 0.3 to 0.6 mg/day)
or that obtained from 0.3 liters of 80-proof brandy
(calculated to be 0.5 mg).
[ typos corrected, g actually is mg for ethanol, methanol ]
This dietary pectin may contribute to the development
of nonalcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. PMID: 9267548
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995 Oct; 19(5): 1147-50.
Methanol in human breath.
Taucher J, Lagg A, Hansel A, Vogel W, Lindinger W.
Institut fur Ionenphysik, Universitat Innsbruck, Austria.
Using proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry for trace gas analysis of
the human breath, the concentrations of methanol and ethanol have been
measured for various test persons consuming alcoholic beverages and various
amounts of fruits, respectively.
The methanol concentrations increased from a natural (physiological) level
of approximately 0.4 ppm up to approximately 2 ppm a few hours after eating
about 1/2 kg of fruits,
and about the same concentration was reached after drinking of 100 ml brandy
containing 24% volume of ethanol and 0.19% volume of methanol.
[ 24 ml = 64 mg ethanol and 0.19 ml = 0.33 mg methanol ] PMID: 8561283
These three potent dietary sources of methanol, formaldehyde, and formic
acid, which impact many people, and cause the same symptoms in vulnerable
and sensitized people, are ignored in the following prestigious, official