
Lothar M. Schmitt lothar at u-aizu.ac.jp
Fri Aug 6 16:31:10 EST 2004

FOGA 05.
    *** Apologies for multiple copies. Please circulate. ***
                    (Third Announcement)

            Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2005
                 (FOGA05: January 5-9, 2005)

          The University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu City
             Fukushima Prefecture 965-8580, Japan

             Final extended submission deadline: 
                      September 1, 2004

0. Sponsors;  I. Conference Scope & Info;  II. Paper Submission Guidelines;
III. Organizers;  IV. Travel Information;  V. Tourist Information

0. Sponsors
*- International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 
   (ISGEC), http://www.isgec.org.
*- The University of Aizu,  http://www.u-aizu.jp.

I. Conference Scope & Info
The eighth "Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Conference" will be
held in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan, January 5-9, 2005.  

Authors are invited to submit full research papers on theoretical
aspects of evolutionary computation, including genetic algorithms,
genetic programming, evolution strategies, and other evolutionary
computation paradigms.

*- Accepted papers will be published in a proceedings volume with LNCS
   (Springer Verlag).  Revised versions of selected papers will be
   published in a special journal volume of "Theoretical Computer Science"
   (Elsevier Publishers).  For publication in the proceedings volume,
   registration + payment of the conference fee (approx. USD 350) are
   required for at least one author.
*- A limited number of travel grants will be available for authors.
   Authors of accepted papers will be informed about further details.
*- There will be two best student paper awards to recognize distinguished
   student research. 
*- Attending students will have their conference fee significantly

Submission deadline for full papers shall be  September 1, 2004
Other important dates:
Notification of acceptance:   November 5, 2004
Request for attendance:   November 15, 2004
Revised paper due:   December 5, 2004
FOGA 2005 Conference:   January 5-9, 2005

II. Paper Submission Guidelines
*- The style of a submitted paper must be Springer Verlag LNCS-style.
*- The maximum length of a submitted paper is 20 pages.
*- Papers must be submitted via email to  submission at foga05.org  as
   attachments in pdf-format.  A submission must essentially have the
   following format:
   To: submission at foga05.org
   Subject: FOGA05 [first/second/third... submitted version]
   Content-Type: text/plain
   Former title, change in author's information, if appropriate.
   Content-Type: application/pdf
   Paper as pdf-attachment.
*- Student-papers must be submitted with a title starting in "Student
   paper:".  The leading-main contributor of such a paper must be a
   student enrolled (or graduated in academic years 2003-4) at an accredited
   institution.  Proof of proper status will be required for accepted
   student papers.
*- Accepted papers will be published in the following way:
   (1) As a proceedings volume in Springer-LNCS which will
   be available for free to conference participants.
   (2) Selected papers will also be published in a special volume
   of "Theoretical Computer Science".

III. Organizers with email addresses and contact information
*- Alden Wright        general-chair at foga05.org
       Address/Fax:    http://www.cs.umt.edu
       Phone:          http://www.cs.umt.edu/CS/FAC/WRIGHT/wright.htm
*- Michael D. Vose     editor-in-chief at foga05.org
       Address:        http://www.cs.utk.edu/~vose/index.html
       Phone/Fax:      http://www.cs.utk.edu/~vose/index.html
*- Kenneth A. De Jong  publications-chair at foga05.org
       Address:        http://www.cs.gmu.edu/generalinfo/contact.html
       Phone/Fax:      http://www.cs.gmu.edu/faculty/dejong.html
*- Lothar M. Schmitt   organization-chair at foga05.org
       Address:        http://www.u-aizu.jp/official//index_e.html
       Phone/Fax:      http://www.lmschmitt.de

IV. Travel Information
*- Airfare US-Japan: 2005/Jan/3-10, New York-Narita USD 977
*- Airfare Europe-Japan: 2005/Jan/4-10, Paris-Narita USD 964
*- Train Narita-Aizu (2-way-fare): USD 160
*- Train/Bus Narita-Tokyo-Aizu (2-way-fare): USD 100
*- Good business hotel: USD 90 per night
*- Affordable student accommodation shall be organized.

V. Aizu Touristic Information and Highlights
*- Pagoda with DOUBLE-HELIX-Staircase:
*- Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle (since 1384): 
http://www.foga05.org (click the picture)
*- Mount Bandai (Vesuvius-type volcano, last erupted July 15, 1888): 
*- Aizu-Wakamatsu City Map (with clickable highlights): 
*- Skiing Areas (you may add a few days after the conference): 


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