How may one adjust the osmolarity of the solution used to fill patch
electrodes? Though i am using a receipe that seems to be quite
conventional i always obtain a solution with low osmolarity compared
to the values i found in literature. I use a standard recipe (see
below) for which i would expect an osmolarity of 280 +/- 5 mOsm. But
what i get after checking osmolarity is a value of 255 mOsm. Now i
could increase osm. by simply adding more k+-gluconate. but to reach a
final level of 285 mOsm i would have to add ~ 25 mM k-gluconate,
thereby increasing the final [k+] of the solution to ~160 mM!!!
Is there a better way to increase osmolarity without affecting [K+]
Or is it a kind of 'common knowledge' that a adjusting osmolarity is
accompanied by an alterarion of e.g. [K+]?
Any comment would be appreciated!
Here is the recipe i am using (all in mM):
K - Gluconate 115
KCl 20
MgCl2 2
Mg - ATP 2
Na2 - ATP 2
Tris - GTP 0,3