Hi Ken,
One reflection that come to my mind when I am confronted by your (to me
mostly agreeable) view of
things brainy is that one may almost always supplement it with the point
Our *always selective* consciousness (hence "selective unconsciousness" -
whence seen
from the opposite, and AFAIAC more important, perspective) is an expression
of a phylogenetically coded
tension between simultaneously entropy accelerating and complexity
increasing local
(however sparsely occurring in this universe) patterns of patterning within
"What Is going
on" [= what does/is every actual and potential pattern and pattern of
patterning that has ever existed and will ever exist].
Accordingly, I would like to suggest that you place your principle in an
even more apt perspective: One from where it becomes apparent that your
thinking and most basic principle (that you broadly apply to explain how
peoples brains/personalities/psychologies work) require, in order to be more
true, strong supplementation (even modification) with relevant principles of
our phylogenetic (evolutionary) patterning.
A strong argument for that you would be well adviced doing so is provided by
how the brain work in a certain mouse-like male Australian mammal that
regularly die as a result of its own frenzied mating behaviour.
Also, a crucially simplified and also otherwise improved explanatory effect
would be gained by you if you adopted, and adapted your theoretical thinking
to, also to the fact of the common existence of a type of memories that,
apart from being far from 'inEPTly' named with the acronym CURSES (alt. ~
CCKHHURSSES), plays a very significant whilst largely subconscious role both
as co-motivators and "censors" of almost every human from predominantly
motor to predominantly mental Behaviour (including different sensorimotor
"brain-state contents and intensities" that can be unifyingly defined to fit
in with the two notions of there being 1. three gross neuroanatomical and
development/ontogeny dependent levels of Consciousness, and 2. three
corresponding psychological "lines" [Janov/Holden] of "being conscious").