Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

Dio dadaismo at tin.it
Fri Nov 28 14:23:37 EST 2003

mat ha scritto nel messaggio
<43525ce3.0311280538.c1f36e0 at posting.google.com>...
>"Dio" <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message
news:<7clxb.108759$hV.3929501 at news2.tin.it>...
>> Wolf Kirchmeir ha scritto nel messaggio ...
>> CUT
>> 1. The God of bible is conscious of himself.
>> 2. consciousness is produced by brain and not by "something else".
>> Can you prove that those premises are false?
>> bye bye
>Just read any book of fiction and you will get apparently 'conscious'
>When a person's heart stops beating they lose consciousness.
>Therefore consciousness resides in the heart.
>I know I am being facetious but your arguments are idiotic.  Your
>whole construction is based on showing a paradox in definitions you
>have submitted as being apriori true.  You may sit a think smugly to
>yourself that you have proved the non-existence of God but you are
>actually closing your mind to much more interesting discussions by
>annyoing everyone here.  It is impossible to prove the existence or
>non-existence of God, precisely because he/she/it is deigned to be
>supernatural i.e. by definition not accesible to any argument of
>physics (including any counter-intuitive notions in modern physics).
>To spell it out: any argument you make from the physical has NO IMPACT
>on the supernatural BY DEFINITION.  Thats the way people who believe
>in gods like it and that's the way they are welcome to have it.

Would you mind to demonstrate what you are telling?

Thanks a lot

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