Thanks for your help.
I'm going to try it out over the holiday.
"Bronsing" <r.bronsing at> wrote in message news:<bpvc5h$c01$1 at>...
> Chris <chigg34 at> wrote in message
> news:11e8ea38.0311171647.3551cb6f at> > Thanks for the tip, Robert.
> > I am going to do exactly as you suggest and construct a small array of
> > tungsten electrodes. Where do you place the ground wire?
> > chris
>> Sorry I took so long to reply, but I don't check this ng that often. For
> chronic work I use a screw in the skull as ground, for acute work I simply
> ground it using a small needle in the neck muscles. Works well.
>> --
>> Robert Bronsing
>> Can't you see?
> It all makes perfect sense,
> expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence
>> (R. Waters)