Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

Wed Nov 26 03:18:01 EST 2003

Dio wrote:

> A deity is a deity if it has got a kind of consciousness.
> The difference betweel a natural phenomenon and a deity is that a deity must
> be aware of itself.

Am I then a deity, since I have a kind of consciousness and am aware of myself,
and does one in a state of coma become merely a natural phenomena?

> 1. A deity must be aware of tiself, a deity must be conscious.

I must be : ) as I, a simple human being, fulfill the preceding criteria
however what's not to say that a deity is just awareness and / or just

> Consciousness is a material thing, is produced by CNS or brain if you like.

 How can consciousness be a material thing as it has no physicality in and of
No physical = no material
Only that which produces a state of conscious is the only material part, i.e.:
the brain , etc.
And when the vessel which produces consciousness expires, does consciousness
with it or does it become some other form or part of some other thing? It is
only a form of energy after all.

There can be a consciousness if there is an evolutionary story, if there is a
biological matter who evolved on Earth.

Why only on Earth?

> There is a liver if there is a biological matter who evolved on Earth.
> There is a heart if there is a biological matter who evolved on Earth.
> There is a brain if there is a biological matter who evolved on Earth.
> And so on.
> An IMMATERIAL liver can't exist.
> An IMMATERIAL heart can't exist.
> An IMMATERIAL brain can't exist.
> And so on.

If I form the idea a liver, heart, brain etc. in my material brain then
they exist within my consciousness and hence exist  immaterially.

> Can an IMMATERIAL deity exist?

Why not.

> A deity ,as we saw. must be aware, must has a consciousness.

That only makes us Human.

> As we saw,  consciousness is material, is produced by CNS.


There can't exist an immaterial CNS or a brain.


> An immaterial deity can't exist because of its consciousness.

An immaterial deity exists because of consciousness

> If you take away awareness from a deity, that is not a deity anymore, that's
> a natural phenomenon.

No, only in a state of catalepsy

> An immaterial deity can't exist because consciousness is produced by
> material brain.

Anything produced by the material brain is immaterial by it's very nature.

There can't exist an IMMATERIAL brain.

I think it therefore it is

> We have demonstrated that deities can't exist, using neuroscience.

No you haven't

> bye bye


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