r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote:
>On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 05:28:53 GMT, "Kent H." <kh6444 at comcast.net>
>You are right about the lack of gripping narrative, character
>development, or plot line in university texts. However, the purpose
>is to learn about the subject matter, not to be entertained. The
>stuff you get from the Pub Med search you describe is not something I
>could recommend to a beginner. Third and fourth year university
>students have great difficulty reading those papers even after an
>introductory course and, say, one course in physiology or
>neurobiology. The molecular and biophysical neurobiology papers are
>particularly dense. Of course, students at this level are required to
>read the stuff, but the truth is they understand little of what the
>Then, again, I am one of those geezers you mention, both in physical
>and emotional age. And, although I claim to be ultraliberal in
>political or social things, you are also probably correct about my
>intellectual conservatism.
Ah, in that case you're the guy I want to talk to. This exchange is
far too polite--you must be posting from a NG other than sci-med.
I too have a passing interest in educating myself in this frustrating
area. Why is it that you can't get your nomenclature consistent? Isn't
someone in charge? Adrenaline, for example. Just who decided to change
this to epinephrine and why can't you all change. If we, the great
unwashed public, can talk about Beijing instead of its correct name,
Peking <heh, heh> surely you science types can change something as
fundamental as adrenaline. Get the adrenergic receptors renamed
too...maybe epinephric?
And while you're at it maybe you could provide a COMPLETE list of ALL
neurotransmitters and receptors in some text or other. That's not just
a list of the names but what they do, where they are, and how they can
be increased and decreased. Oh, and the naming of receptors leaves a
lot to be desired too.
Of course reading some of these texts (referenced in this thread)
leaves one with the impression that you don't quite know but are
covering it up with a lot of bluster--nothing unusual about that in
anything medically related.
After doing all this homework, I expect on my next annual physical to
request my PCP to order a battery of tests to ensure that my receptor
counts and neurotransmitter volumes are within the norms. Such testing
is available, I hope?