Deities cannot exist because of their consciousness

Bronsing r.bronsing at NOSPAMerasmusmc.nl
Tue Nov 25 06:56:15 EST 2003

Dio <dadaismo at tin.it> wrote in message
news:cRGwb.4694$AX1.204222 at news1.tin.it...
> A deity is a deity if it has got a kind of consciousness.
> The difference betweel a natural phenomenon and a deity is that a deity
> be aware of itself.
> 1. A deity must be aware of tiself, a deity must be conscious.
> Consciousness is a material thing, is produced by CNS or brain if you

That's kind of begging the question: you don't know what exactly gives rise
to consiousness, you merely guess that it is the brain that gives rise to
it. Perhaps it's the spirit that does give rise to the consiousness and it
(the spirit) can only communicate with the intact brain.


Robert Bronsing

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