in article 3fbd9f00 at, John H. at johnh at wrote
on 11/20/03 9:15 PM:
>> "Dag Stenberg" <dag.stenberg at> wrote in message
> news:bpi5am$i08$1 at> Could I trouble you to read at least one of his
>> essays on the problem?
>> Probably not. Which is a shame because Sperry, and Gazzniga (spelling!) are
> very much worth reading.
>>> John H.
>>>> Dag Stenberg
>...Gazzniga (spelling!)
Michael (split brain) Gazzaniga. And if you like Gazzaniga (I do) then you
will probably also like V.S. Ramachandran's "Phantoms in the Brain", as in
phantom limbs, sometimes in excruciating phantom pain. Ramachandran
performed what is probably the first "amputation" of a phantom limb.