SIAM Life Science Meeting 2004

Carson C. Chow ccc at math.pitt.edu
Thu Nov 20 13:03:34 EST 2003

Please attend the:
SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences
July 11-14, 2004
Portland, Oregon

SIAM and its Activity Group on Life Sciences are organizing the second
Conference on Life Sciences to be held in Portland, Oregon, July 11-14,
2004 at the Portland Convention Center. The conference will be held
jointly with the SIAM Annual Meeting and will exploit the synergy promised
by joint meetings. The conference will bring together researchers in
mathematics, computer science, computational science, biology,
biochemistry, bioengineering, and medicine.

Information can be obtained at http://www.siam.org/meetings/ls04/.

The themes of the conference include, but are not limited to:
Ecology, Environmental and Evolutionary Biology
Physiology and Immunology
Structural Biology
Modeling Diseases
Biomathematics in Industry


The program will consist of invited speakers, minisymposia, 
contributed presentations, and poster sessions.

We invite proposals for minisymposia and contributed presentations.
We particularly encourage young investigators to attend.
Submissions can be made at the conference website

Invited Speakers are:
Stephen Burley, Structural GenomiX (SGX), Inc.
Leah Edelstein-Keshet, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Terry Gaasterland, Rockefeller University
Neo Martinez, San Francisco State University
George Oster, University of California, Berkeley
Alan Perelson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
David Terman, Ohio State University

Organizing Committee:
Rustom Antia, Emory University
Carson C. Chow (Co-Chair), University of Pittsburgh
Thomas Kepler, Duke University
Claudia Neuhauser, University of Minnesota
John Rinzel, New York University
Tamar Schlick (Co-Chair), New York University


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