SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 19, 2004 midnight; submission open=20
December 1, 2003.
Thirteenth Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2004
July 18 - July 20, 2004 (workshops: July 21-22, 2004)
Baltimore, USA
Info at cp at
The annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting will be held at the=20
historic Radisson Plaza Lord hotel in Baltimore, MD from July 18th =96=20=
20th, 2004. The main meeting will be followed by two days of workshops=20=
on July 21st and 22nd. In conjunction, the =932004 Annual Symposium,=20
University of Maryland Program in Neuroscience: Computation in the=20
Olfactory System=94 will be held as a satellite symposium to CNS*04 on=20=
Saturday, July 17th.
As in the years before papers presented at the CNS*04 meeting can be=20
published as a paper in a special issue of the journal Neurocomputing=20
and in a proceedings book. Authors who would like to see their CNS*04=20=
presentation published will have to submit a COMPLETE manuscript for=20
review during this call (deadline January 19, 2004). You will also=20
have the option to submit instead an extended summary but this cannot=20
be included in the journal. Both types of submissions will be reviewed=20=
but full manuscripts will get back reviewers' comments and will have to=20=
be revised with final submission shortly after the meeting. The=20
decision of who gets to speak at the conference is independent of the=20
type of submission, both full manuscripts and extended summaries=20
qualify. More details on the review process can be found below.
Papers can include experimental, model-based, as well as more abstract=20=
theoretical approaches to understanding neurobiological computation. =20
We especially encourage papers that mix experimental and theoretical=20
studies. We also accept papers that describe new technical approaches=20=
to theoretical and experimental issues in computational neuroscience or=20=
relevant software packages.
The paper submission procedure is again completely electronic this=20
year. Papers for the meeting can be submitted ONLY through the web=20
site at Papers can be submitted=20
either as a full manuscript to be published in the journal=20
Neurocomputing (max 6 typeset pages) or as an extended summary (1 to 6=20=
pages). You will need to submit both types of papers in pdf format =20
and the 100 word abstract as text. You will also need to select two=20
categories which describe your paper and which will guide the selection=20=
of reviewers.
I All submissions will be acknowledged by email generated by the=20 web robot (may be considered junk mail by a spam filter)
All submitted papers will be first reviewed by the program committee. =20=
Submissions will be judged and accepted for the meeting based on the=20
clarity with which the work is described and the biological relevance=20
of the research. For this reason authors should be careful to make the=20=
connection to biology clear. We reject only a small fraction of the=20
submissions (~ 5%) and this usually based on absence of biological=20
relevance (e.g. pure machine learning). We will notify authors of=20
meeting acceptance begin March.
The second stage of review involves evaluation by two independent=20
reviewers of full manuscripts submitted to the journal Neurocomputing=20
(all) and those extended summaries which requested an oral presentation.
Full manuscripts will be reviewed as real journal publications: each=20
paper will have an action editor and two independent reviewers. The=20
paper may be rejected for publication if it contains no novel content=20
or is considered to contain grave errors. We hope that this will apply=20=
to a small number of papers only, but we also need to respect a limit=20
of maximum 200 published papers which may enforce more strict selection=20=
criteria. Paper rejection at this stage does not exclude poster=20
presentation at the meeting itself as we assume that these authors will=20=
benefit from the feedback they can receive at the meeting. Accepted=20
papers will receive comments for improvements and corrections from the=20=
reviewers by e-mail. Submissions of the revised papers will be due in=20=
Criteria for selection as an oral presentation include perceived=20
quality, the novelty of the research and the diversity and coherence of=20=
the overall program. To ensure diversity, those who have given talks=20
in the recent past will not be selected and multiple oral presentations=20=
from the same lab will be discouraged. All accepted papers not selected=20=
for oral talks as well as papers explicitly
submitted as poster presentations will be included in one of three=20
evening poster sessions. Authors will be notified of the presentation=20=
format of their papers by begin of May.
The proceedings volume is published each year as a special supplement=20
to the journal Neurocomputing. In addition the proceedings are=20
published in a hardbound edition by Elsevier Press. Only 200 papers=20
will be published in the proceedings volume. For reference, papers=20
presented at CNS*02 can be found in volumes 52-54 of Neurocomputing=20
Mary Kennedy (California Institute of Technology, USA)
Miguel Nicolelis (Duke University, USA)
The CNS meeting is organized by the Computational Meeting Organization=20=
( precided by Christiane Linster (Cornell=20
University, USA)
Program chair: Erik De Schutter (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Local organizer: Asaf Keller (University of Maryland School of=20
Medicine, USA)
Workshop organizer: Adrienne Fairhall (Princeton University, USA)
Government liaison: Dennis Glanzman (NIMH/NIH, USA) and Yuan Liu=20
Program committee:
Nicolas Brunel (Universite Paris Rene Descartes, France)
Alain Destexhe (CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
Bill Holmes (Ohio University, USA)
Hidetoshi Ikeno (Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan)
Don H. Johnson (Rice University, USA)
Leslie M. Kay (University of Chicago, USA)
Barry Richmond (NIMH, USA)
Eytan Ruppin (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Frances Skinner (Toronto Western Research Institute, Canada)