How to make microelectrodes

Chris chigg34 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 17 19:47:55 EST 2003

Thanks for the tip, Robert.
I am going to do exactly as you suggest and construct a small array of
tungsten electrodes.  Where do you place the ground wire?

"Bronsing" <r.bronsing at NOSPAMerasmusmc.nl> wrote in message news:<bp2ego$35c$1 at mrelay2.eur.nl>...
> Chris <chigg34 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:11e8ea38.0311102249.20a6429d at posting.google.com...
> > Hi,
> > I need to make some cheap, durable electrodes for stimulating a rat
> > midbrain.  We will stimulate while the rat is behaving so glass
> > electrodes probably won't work).  We'll be applying 100 microamps at
> > 60-100Hz.
> >
> Hi Chris. Why not try a tungsten electrode? I use them for mid-brain work
> too (wistar), and I stimulate 0,1-1mA @ 300 Hz and sometimes more. I have
> done that both acute and chronically. Good results.
> --
> Robert Bronsing
> Can't you see?
> It all makes perfect sense,
> expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence
> (R. Waters)

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