auditory cortex activity

Didier A. Depireux didier at rai.isr.umd.edu
Fri Nov 14 17:04:25 EST 2003

Colm G. Connolly <colmconn at nowhere.nocountry> wrote:

> Is anyone aware of any studies which can show how long after visual
> presentation of a word it is before activity can be observed in the
> auditory cortices? 

I remember an article by Japanese in Neuroreport about this a few years ago.
They were not looking at what you were asking, but with MEG they were
looking for the difference between text read silently and alound. As a
corollary you could find the delay... Can't find the paper right now.

You should be able to find what you are asking from 
Reading speech from still and moving faces: the neural substrates of visible
speech.  Calvert GA, Campbell R. J Cogn Neurosci. 2003 Jan 1;15(1):57-70. 

Visual speech perception without primary auditory cortex activation;
Bernstein, L. E.; Auer, E. T. Jr.; Moore, J. K.; Ponton, C. W.; Don, M.;
Singh, M. NeuroReport; 2002 Vol. 13, p311-315,


Activation of auditory cortex during silent speechreading; Calvert, G.;
Bullmore, E.; Brammer, M.; Campbell, R.; Woodruff, P.; McGuire, P. Science;
1997 Vol. 276, p593-596


Didier A Depireux         ddepi001 at umaryland.edu  didier at isr.umd.edu
685 W.Baltimore Str      http://neurobiology.umaryland.edu/depireux.htm
Anatomy and Neurobiology                      Phone: 410-706-1272 (off)
University of Maryland                                      -1273 (lab)
Baltimore MD 21201 USA                             Fax: 1-410-706-2512

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