"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au>
wrote in message
news:Matthew.Kirkcaldie-478DE4.17503914112003 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.a
| [...]
| I'd hate to think neuroscientists were put
| off posting here by the sideshows.
| [...]
Perhaps you did not mean it so, but I'm
aware that much of what I post has a
'side-show' quality.
Part of why I require myself to 'log-off'
'periodically' is that I Agree with your
statement, quoted above.
My posting 'style' is as it is for a bunch
of Worthy reasons, one of which is that
it's been clear to me that something had
to be done to awaken Neuroscience
from what has been its 'slumber' with
respect to things that fall to it to accomp-
lish on behalf of all of Humanity.
Toward that end, I routinely stuff my posts
with 'eccentric'-'novelty' [trying to keep
such in the range within which "inverting
reward" [AoK, Ap5] is generated - to
imbue the substance that's conveyed in
the stuff I post with some 'pleasant'-'sticki-
But, as one endeavors in this way, there's
an accumulating effect that gradually
lifts the dynamics above the threshold
for "inverting reward", which results in
continuence being increasingly-'tedious',
on both 'sides' of the give-and-take.
So, I 'go away' for a while.
The other thing is that my employment
is breaking-up my free-'time' to the point
where it's not allowing me to sufficiently
push-energy through the ol' noggin' lab.
To deal with that, it's also useful for me
to 'log-off'.
The other thing is I've got this other work
that I want to accomplish this winter, and,
to do that, I've got to forgo the Comfort of
'being' with folks here in b.n., and get-'mis-
erable' enough to experience the work as
a 'pleasure'. [It's an old 'trick' that I've been
using since a Child - when something just
Needs to be done - take after my Dad in
that way. Only Problem with it is that it does
'extract a toll', and that 'shines-through' in an
accumulating way - and that's "the tired spot"
that "nothing can touch" [paraphrase, A.
Which is all to say that, I feel what's 'untoward'
as much as anyone else, and, perhaps, moreso.
If I weren't such a Dunce, perhaps I could come
up with another way of proceding with respect to
what just Needs to be done.
Perhaps not, though, a big part of the reason
NDT's stuff wasn't acomplished by others, long
ago, is that, in general, Science 'insulates' its
practitioners from the Necessary data.
To understand what Needs to be Fone with
respect to what Ravages Humanity, one has
to get down in the gutter, with it, so that it can
be experienced and explored.
It's been a trade-off. The Doing has left me
'unworthy' in the eyes of Tradition.
"Oh well."
Cheers, Matthew, I've enjoyed reading your