Thanks for the ref, Giddeon.
After a bit of searching I finally found "A simple method for
fabricating ... microwire arrays", Tsai & Yen in Neuroscience Methods
2003 (in press).
I think they made the steps simple enough that I might just be able to
get it right after four or five tries.
Giddeon Nyquist <giddeon_nyquist at> wrote in message news:<Xns9432990F17FABgiddeonnyquisthotmai at>...
> There are few individuals that perform sharp electrode or whole cell
> techniques in-vivo in freely moving rodents. The only thing I can tell
> you is that any paper by Mircea Steriade (absence seizures in cats) and
> the work of Sakmann might be able to assist you. Other than that, I'm
> pretty much useless since I'm straight up in vitro hippocampal slice
>> - Nyquist
>>>>chigg34 at (Chris) wrote in
> news:11e8ea38.0311121051.5b874cdf at
>> > I posted a question about making electrodes a few days ago. After
> > reading a months worth of posts I realized that this probably is not
> > the right place to look for help on techincal aspects of setting up an
> > experiment.
> >
> > Does anyone have pointers to other newsgroups that might be interested
> > in talking about the nuts and bolts of setting up rigs rather than
> > pontificating on the meaning of life?