Is there a technical neuroscience newsgroup?

Giddeon Nyquist giddeon_nyquist at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 13 15:02:47 EST 2003

There are few individuals that perform sharp electrode or whole cell 
techniques in-vivo in freely moving rodents.  The only thing I can tell 
you is that any paper by Mircea Steriade (absence seizures in cats) and 
the work of Sakmann might be able to assist you.  Other than that, I'm 
pretty much useless since I'm straight up in vitro hippocampal slice 

- Nyquist

chigg34 at yahoo.com (Chris) wrote in 
news:11e8ea38.0311121051.5b874cdf at posting.google.com:

> I posted a question about making electrodes a few days ago.  After
> reading a months worth of posts I realized that this probably is not
> the right place to look for help on techincal aspects of setting up an
> experiment.
> Does anyone have pointers to other newsgroups that might be interested
> in talking about the nuts and bolts of setting up rigs rather than
> pontificating on the meaning of life?

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