
Lester Zick lesterDELzick at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 13 11:05:36 EST 2003

On Thu, 13 Nov 2003 14:05:26 +1100, Matthew Kirkcaldie
<Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> in sci.cognitive

>In article <3fb25ab4.72496186 at netnews.att.net>,
> lesterDELzick at worldnet.att.net (Lester Zick) wrote:
>> I think what you have to recognize is that consciousness in general is
>> certainly conceptually separable from the body/brain/mind. 
>That may be so Lester - but electricity is conceptually seperable from 
>magnetism, and yet the two are manifestations of a single phenomenon in 
>reality.  The gedankenexperiment is an inadequate tool here because, 
>surprise, it's a product of consciousness!

I think that what I'm addressing insofar as consciousness is concerned
is whether there is a general explanation for consciousness which is
implementable on another platform. Obviously there is for electricity
because it is the product of material interactions so we can implement
the concept of electricity in different wires. The only issue I can
see is to what extent something similar can be said for consciousness.

Regards - Lester

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