"David Longley" <David at longley.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
news:4RDR1PW61Us$EwCr at longley.demon.co.uk...
| Hi Ken,
|| Please see my original post (not the follow up reply).
|| Think about what I have said. Try to implement it, but if you
| find that impossible having given it a week or so to see how it
| seek for professional medical help - explaining what you are trying
| achieve and what seems to be getting in the way.
All that's 'getting in the way' is that I can't get a
paper Published.
Anyway, I've done what you suggest, repeatedly,
repeatedly, repeatedly.
Wasted energy.
So I Reject the 'premise' that was, long ago, tested
beyond reasonable doubt.
Anyone can test it. Go saying you've only an under-
graduate degree, telling folks who have Professional
'reason' to believe it's 'impossible', that you've
developed a unified theory of central nervous system
function, cognition, affect, and behavior, and see for
yourself what happens.
It never gets around to discussing the Science.
It's always stereotypically-Humiliating - hugely -
like being stretched on a rack - to the 'delight' of
whoever it is to whom I've reached-out.
You know, kind of like what's transpired during
our 'interaction'.
It happens this way because I must go 'unannounced',
so it always gets-down to PTOFA real-quick.
How could it be otherwise?
I'm a walking-talking 'contradiction' of the haphazardly-
accumulated Erroneous stuff that folks get handed
while being trained for their Professions.
So I've just got to 'continue', doing 'scraps' here and there,
hoping this or that will 'stick', and that folks'll 'compare-
notes' in the background, and, so, 'unfamiliarity' [and
'moving away from'] will be replaced by 'familiarity' [and
'moving toward'].
"Oh well."
| [...]