"Anthony Cerrato" <tcerrato at optonline.net> wrote in message
news:pIlsb.1855$hn3.941346 at news4.srv.hcvlny.cv.net...
| [...]
| I'd go even further and say, consciousness
| (whatever it is) is also inseparable from the
| (unique) body it "inhabits."
| [...]
And the individually-unique experiences that
that 'body' has :-]
[For those who've been following the discus-
sion of NDT, this's a big part of why NDT's
understanding is useful - it provides a 'bridge'
between such necessarily-individually-unique
experience, and resultant individually-unique
This 'bridge' is important because, without it,
folks tend to 'think' that everyone else shares
their individually-unique Consciousness, so,
when 'disagreements' occur, folks tend to
experience such occurrences as not-self
denying [manifesting 'moving away from'
directionality with respect to] self, when all
that's happening is that each nervous system
'perceives' the experiential stuff, inherent,
through the 'lens' of its own TD E/I-minimiz-
ation dynamics.
'Translate' via NDT's understanding, and the
impetus to Kill, for instance, is transformed
into awareness of TD E/I-minimization diff-
erentials, and the usefulness inherent in
seeking mutual TD E/I-minimization con-
vergence. The 'bridge' renders useful inform-
ation-processing work [and the futility inherent
in resort to use-of-force] 'visible'. The 'bridge'
is functional be-cause it translates everything
into TD E/I-minimization which =is= shared uni-
versally, even though experientially-driven
Consciousnesses are individually-unique.
Just trace your 'disagreement' back through
your individually-unique experience-differen-
tials, until you start synching-up, TD E/I-mini-
mization-wise. "Hey! We both have to eat." :-]
You know - instead of Killing not-self.]
You know - "Love your neighbor as you love
your[ ]self."
Want the 'same' TD E/I-minimization for your
'neighbor' as you want for your self.
Remove the absence-of-understanding.
Replace it with understanding.
Cross the 'bridge'.
Find ways in which you can help one another
achieve TD E/I-minimization - each in your
own way, but all the while, the Same-Stuff.]
ken [k. p. collins]