You've botched the thread sequence.
But, yes, I did, decades ago.
And it's not 'brown-nosing'. Dr. Norman
and I have been 'through the mill' on
occasion, and have achieved some
mutual(?) respect because we both
'just' Honored Truth.
=Anyone= who does such tends to win
my respect.
K. P. Collins
"Allen L. Barker" <alb at> wrote in message
news:CNfsb.24128$9M3.4683 at
| r norman wrote:
| > On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 20:16:11 GMT, "KP_PC"
| > <k.p.collins at> wrote:
| >
| >
| >>Hi Dr. Norman,
| >>
| >>I agree with your comments, and have
| >>reiteratively discussed why it's so [in my
| >>discussions of 'implant' stuff, for instance].
| >>Nervous systems are tightly-globally-integrated
| >>information-processing systems, so any
| >>external 'manipulation' alters the stuff that
| >>it would 'manipulate', rendering the intended
| >>'goals' of such 'manipulation' always-beyond-
| >>reach.
| >>
| >>Truth is 'somewhere in the middle', though.
| >>
| >
| > <snip some interesting commentary and personal observations>
| >
| > I certainly agree that the US Govenment has been and continues to
| > guilty of all sorts of awful things. It is just that this mind
| > control is not one of them!
| >
| > People misunderstand press releases and glowing predictions made
| > people who stand to get a lot of money doing all sorts of strange
| > research from actual hard research results.
|| Mind control has a long and sick history, and is REAL. Those
| who are actually interested in the truth can visit my web pages
| at|| Maybe you'll invite Ken to come and talk to you about his theories
| now that he has brown-nosed you and you him. You know that he
| worked out all of neurobiology decades ago.
||| --
| Mind Control: TT&P ==>| Home page:| Allen Barker