Devices that read human thought now possible

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Nov 12 13:34:33 EST 2003

First, Mr. Barker, you are in my 'heart'.

Second, my experience has been that
R. Norman isn't a 'nay-sayer'.

I think the point he was getting at in his
reply to your previous post was that
'thought' is not so easily controlled
[even though absence-of-thought =is=
easily-controlled [there's a Big-Difference

But, FWIW, I also find the way that terms
such as "paranoia" are mplemented as
'darts' that target the 'spirit' to be Regret-
able. [You did the same sort of thing when
you triggered on the "Yu" typo, BTW.

More below.

"Allen L. Barker" <alb at datafilter.com> wrote in message
news:uBfsb.24118$9M3.15354 at newsread2.news.atl.earthlink.net...
| [...]

| And things do not even have to be fully
| kept secret if you can manage to discredit
| anyone who lets it out.  And believe me,
| there are plenty of attempts at that.
| [...]

Your point here is 'heart'-breakingly Valid,
Mr. Barker.

But the thing is, it occurs as a function
of 'normal' behavioral dynamics that
transpire in relative absence-of-under-
standing with respect to how nervous
systems process information.

That is, it's the Same-Stuff that underpins
the bullying of 'geeks' by the high-school

You know?

It's absence-of-understanding all the way,
up and down the spectrum of interactive

The only thing that'll alter this 'normal' stuff
is replacing absence-of-understanding with
respect to how nervous systems process
information with understanding with respect
to how nervous systems process information.

To the degree that that happens, folks'll 'just'
cease doing Jackass-stuff to one another -
be-cause, then, other stuff 'just' makes more

Cheers, Mr. Barker,

ken [k. p. collins]

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