Devices that read human thought now possible

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Wed Nov 12 13:05:52 EST 2003

Gee, I'm really getting 'good' at hitting
that wrong key-combination. I'll pick up,
where that happened, below.

"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:Iuusb.52807$Ec1.3402686 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| "r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message
| news:ivv2rv0c6jh78jq9oku4prrsa8390791qj at 4ax.com...
| | On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 20:16:11 GMT, "KP_PC"
| | <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:
| |
| | > [...]
| | I certainly agree that the US Govenment
| | has been and continues to be guilty of all
| | sorts of awful things.
| It's not really them. It's 'blindly'-automated
| TD E.I-minimization dictating within the
| nervous systems that gives-way to the
| perversion of 'science'.
| | It is just that this mind control is not one
| | of them!
| With respect to the stuff the other poster is
| discussing, it's not so clear. The monkey
| experiments were reported in the =New
| York Times= and the =Washington Post=,
| and the latter Newspaper discussed how
| such implants could [possibly] be used to interface <<<<<
| 'Soldiers' with weapons systems.
| I discussed how such implants would,
| necessarily, [to the detriment of the 'normal'
| information-processing capacities of the
| Soldiers], embody a form of 'mind control'
| [albeit, as an 'unintended' consequence].
| More sinisterly, extraordinarily-more-powerful,
| and old-long-since-common-place, is the
| 'mind-control' inherent in the grants processes -
| which is what subverts folks who'd, otherwise,
| just do Science, into the sorts of "awful things"
| to which you refer above.
| As I've discussed in long-former posts, I've
| intimate experience. Being offered a blank
| check to fund my research, only to be shunted
| off into oblivion, when I told those who offered
| the funding that I'd not sign anything that'd
| require me to keep my work 'secret'.
| All that's blatently-obvious, but, through coersed
| and accepted acquiesence, tacitly-'invisible',
| Mind-Control that forms the main thing that has
| brought Humanity to the brink of its non-Survival.
| You know - the 'manhatan project' mindset that
| shunts everything upon which Humanity's Survival
| depends into 'hush-hush', behind-closed-doors
| 'development' efforts.
| Such 'secretive' 'big-science' efforts are not even
| Development. They, themselves, bear all the
| hallmarks of mind-control, be-cause, rather than
| Develop this or that, they actively steer 'research'
| with respect to this or that into narrow-spectrum
| 'profit-seeking' [most often the 'profits' that're
| 'sought' have been technological 'advantage'
| with respect to attaining, and perpetuating,
| 'dominance' - which is Mind, Body, and Spirit
| Control.
| I find it Tragically-'hilarious' that folks've so
| routinely bought into such that 'being-involved'
| within such is commonly deemed to 'constitute'
| a 'badge of honor' among 'scientists'.
| Goot grief! All such does, and all that those
| involved in it do, is 'blindly' and automatically
| undermine Humanity's Progress.
| What's even more Tragically-'hilarious' is that
| the 'system' coerses folks so fully that they cannot
even see that they are, in fact, being Spirit-Mind-
and-Body Controlled.

| |
| | People misunderstand press releases and
| | glowing predictions made by people who
| | stand to get a lot of money doing all sorts
| | of strange research from actual hard research
| | results.


Thank God, not all people.

Cheers, Dr. Norman,

ken [K. P. Collins]

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