
Lester Zick lesterDELzick at worldnet.att.net
Wed Nov 12 11:15:27 EST 2003

On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 07:56:05 GMT, "Anthony Cerrato"
<tcerrato at optonline.net> in sci.cognitive wrote:

>"Matthew Kirkcaldie"
><Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> wrote in
>news:Matthew.Kirkcaldie-D642A3.16314812112003 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.au...
>> In article <8e53rvs4p64t9ba1njjfb2e3n7ufpnk6e2 at 4ax.com>,
>>  r norman <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote:
[. . .]

>> I know these extrapolations are ridiculous but I make them
>to point out
>> that the assertion that a process is created by the
>physical properties
>> of its consituents does not imply that it could also be
>created by
>> different materials.  Right or wrong, I simply do not
>believe that
>> consciousness is seperable from the biological nature of
>the brain.
>I'd go even further and say, consciousness (whatever it is)
>is also inseparable from the (unique) body it "inhabits."
>There are substantial contributions from the nervous system,
>and the functional condition of the sensory organs--and of
>course, the moment-to-moment chemical composition of the
>brain (i.e., neurotransmitters and other biochemical
>mediators which affect, for example, emotions.) Again, IMO.
I think what you have to recognize is that consciousness in general is
certainly conceptually separable from the body/brain/mind. What you're
stressing is that a particular consciousness is not separable. Whether
or not the general consciousness is practically implementable on some
other platform however remains an issue.

Regards - Lester

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