Devices that read human thought now possible

r norman rsn_ at _comcast.net
Tue Nov 11 19:36:23 EST 2003

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 20:16:11 GMT, "KP_PC"
<k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote:

>Hi Dr. Norman,
>I agree with your comments, and have
>reiteratively discussed why it's so [in my
>discussions of 'implant' stuff, for instance].
>Nervous systems are tightly-globally-integrated
>information-processing systems, so any
>external 'manipulation' alters the stuff that
>it would 'manipulate', rendering the intended
>'goals' of such 'manipulation' always-beyond-
>Truth is 'somewhere in the middle', though.
<snip some interesting commentary and personal observations>

I certainly agree that the US Govenment has been and continues to be
guilty of all sorts of awful things.  It is just that this mind
control is not one of them!

People misunderstand press releases and glowing predictions made by
people who stand to get a lot of money doing all sorts of strange
research from actual hard research results.

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