Hi Dr. Norman,
I agree with your comments, and have
reiteratively discussed why it's so [in my
discussions of 'implant' stuff, for instance].
Nervous systems are tightly-globally-integrated
information-processing systems, so any
external 'manipulation' alters the stuff that
it would 'manipulate', rendering the intended
'goals' of such 'manipulation' always-beyond-
Truth is 'somewhere in the middle', though.
Any instance of 'spin-doctoring' constitutes a
presumption with respect to 'reading' folks'
minds, and an attempt to 'steer' the functioning
of folks' minds, with respect to particular goals.
Advertising - same-old, same-old.
That such 'works' stands Verified within common-
place experience - sit-back, and observe behavior,
and one simply cannot miss the fact of the impact
of such 'manipulation' upon behavior.
It's happens.
'Opinion' poles?
Same-old, same-old.
More-easily-seen to be "sinister", but same-old,
Terrorist acts?
Same-old, same-old.
The currentl 'response' option in the Middle East
and, beginning as a 'justifying-prelude; to the War
in Iraq, and, tactically just last week, in Iraq - "pre-
emptive strikes"?
Same-old, same-old.
Anyway, it's been easy to See that folks 'in-charge'
have been so 'up-at-arms' with respect to NDT's
understanding be-cause NDT's understanding
removes the stealth from all such 'manipulative'
Which scares the hell out of those who traffic
in such 'manipulativeness', which behavioral
manifestation enables an observer to 'read
their minds', and, in a generalized way,
their 'thoughts' :-]
I routinely discuss such stuff here in b.n [trying
hard to do so only in ways that 'hold open the
door'], as gently as possible, disclosing that
the 'days' of coersive-'manipulation' are at an
'Course, they see that, 'two', and they are
'powerful', which is why NDT's stuff has not yet
been generally communicated.
Which is a main thing within the spectrum of
easily-observed stuff that makes the 'reading-
of-minds' flat-out easy to do :-]
Further note: I'm =not= saying that there're folks
who meet to 'scheme' with respect to NDT's
understanding. The 'moving away from' NDT's
understanding that I'm addressing in this post
'runs-deep'. But I Know that the Government
Knows about NDT's understanding, and, since
NDT's understanding has not, yet, been com-
municated, I also Know that the Government is
actively 'moving away from' its communication.
Which is all squarely, albeit, in a way that's
different from the 'mechanized' focus of the
other poster, within the realm of 'mind-reading'.
Presently, as I've disclosed, it seems to me that
they've decided that NDT's understanding is
too-hot, so they're just going to let it [and me]
Which, given the usefulness of NDT's understand-
ing with respect to Humanity's current Travails, is
It all 'runs-deep'.
Humanity has fallen Victim to all that's inherent
since the Beginning - be-cause it's all from
"the beast", 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimiz-
ation, and the prevailing absence-of-understand-
ing with respect to such.
Anyway, I just wanted to point-out that there's a
lot of easily-observed consequential attempts
at 'mind-reading' and 'mind-manipulation'
["thought control", as the other poster calls what
he sees as the mechanized 'capabilities' that,
as far as I'm concerned, are just funny be-cause
they're all founded in absence-of-understanding
with respect to globally-integrated nervous sys-
tem function] going on.
I'm "damned if I do, and damned if I don't", so I
might as well be 'damned' for the doing.
It's my particular 'lonliness' - doing what Needs
to be done, even though it 'Hurts'-like-hell - even
though it 'isolates' me.
[Even though I'm virtually being 'burned-at-the-
stake' 'cause no one understands that 'radio'
[the difference that NDT's understanding makes]
exists :-]
It's all so 'interesting'.
I hope I Live long enough to fully plumb its depths.
Which is funny - I can't even plumb my kitchen sink :-]
Cheers, Dr. Norman,
ken [k. p. collins]
"r norman" <rsn_ at _comcast.net> wrote in message
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