Devices that read human thought now possible

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Tue Nov 11 13:04:33 EST 2003

Kalman Rubinson wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Nov 2003 06:24:17 GMT, "Allen L. Barker"
> <alb at datafilter.com> wrote:
>>So now it's nothing surprising.  But people have been denying up and
>>down that any of this stuff is possible at all, for years.  All while
>>suffering victims tried to get people to listen to them.
> Suffering victims?

That's what I said.  The US has a long and sick history of mind control
experimentation, as well as other sorts of nonconsensual experimentation.
Victims tend to be dismissed for even mentioning such things, with claims
that such technology "does not exist" -- even where it obviously does.  And
there *are* real victims in the population.  There are even *documented* mind
control victims who are nonetheless left to suffer and be considered mentally
ill.  They were not even told what was done to them.

>>*Of course*
>>it is all statistics, once you have the basic measurements from whatever
>>multiple sensor system you are using.  That and some realtime processing.
>>What is "merely" about that, though?  And guess what, those secret labs
>>do have sensors that are much more sensitive than what you or I can get.
> Perhaps but not likely.

You are a naive one.  Do you know what EWAR is?  Export restrictions,
etc.?  Such research has been secretly conducted for years.  Do they
let you know each time they break a major code, too?

>>I'm not sure what your point is or why you seem to be defensive.
> I have little tolerance for paranoia.

You apparently also have little idea what is really going on in the
world.  That is especially dangerous coming from someone with a
neuroscience background -- though not really surprising.  What is paranoia,
when they are looking to actually openly deploy such technology in
airports in the near future?  Can people just be assured that Kalman
Rubinson doesn't think it will work?  Talk to some of the victims who
have long complained that exactly this sort of technology has been
tested on them for years.  And please spare me the psychiatric illness
cover story.

Mind Control: TT&P ==> http://www.datafilter.com/mc
Home page: http://www.datafilter.com/alb
Allen Barker

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