"Matthew Kirkcaldie" <Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> wrote
in message
news:Matthew.Kirkcaldie-7CDA51.10430310112003 at seagoon.newcastle.edu.au...
> In article <2eb015dc16eddf45f8ebdbfeaf1b33e4 at news.teranews.com>,
> "OmegaZero2003" <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> > Yet you "help" by telling people that they do not know what they are
> > about, that thousands of neuroscientists are confused and idots, that
> > here should just read what you say and dismiss all other POV's because
> > are incorrect. Etc,.
>> If you want to read this into the practical, compassionate and helpful
> advice that David offered Ken, you're viewing the world through a
> distorting prism of truly monstrous powers. Saying that there is
> nonsense in the field of neuroscience is like saying that gemstones have
> flaws - it doesn't devalue the whole, as you seem to insist on taking it
> to mean.
You are clueless if you think what DL has said here is all that he has said
about neuroscience or its practitioners.
One can canll an inanimate object flawed and at the same time show a perfect
On the other hand, one is narcissistic to call thousands of practitioners,
most with doctoral degrees, years of practical experience, and thoughtful
philosophical positions, idiots that do not know what they are doing,
*then*, point to yourself as the purveyor of the *only* truth that will
bring those thousands out of the mental morass you say they are in.
If we did not know DL was a netkook, we would call him a religious fanatic.
If you cannot see/understand that, you need the growing up. Now give
control of your computer back to your mommy.
>> I am impressed by the bravado you show while posting from an anonymous
> identity - nice one. Grow up a little and do yourself a favour.
>> Matthew.