"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at> wrote in message
news:x7Prb.230292$0v4.16868314 at
| "Chris" <nimbo@(noSpamHere)> wrote in message
| news:o6wrb.23$182.8 at| | Hi,
| |
| | Is a person who has had his "frontal lobe"
| | (I do not know what this is) removed still
| | concious or does he just react reflexly?
|| Frontal lobe 'removel' would leave the
| person imobile. It's where the primary motor
| cortex is.
|| Prefrontal cortex is a better candidate with
| respect to your Q.
|| It's 'removal' significantly degrades 'con-
| sciousness'. [Look up "Phineas Gage".]
|| But 'consciousness' derives in =global=
| nervous system function, and any leision
| ['removal or disconnection], anywhere,
| degrades it.
|| | Supplemental:
| |
| | Is there a part of our brain that when removed
| | abolishes "conciousness".
|| No.
|| Unless it's the 'last' such thing that can be
| 'removed'.
Presuming, of course, that the leision does not
'disconnect' innervation with respect to vital
function [respiration, etc.]. kpc
| | By "concious" I mean the subjective experience
| | of being aware of ouselves and our environment,
| | not just "being awake".
|| ken [k. p. collins]