Food for Ken

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Mon Nov 10 11:09:48 EST 2003

"David Longley" <David at longley.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
news:xiVjZWG+6jr$Ewoh at longley.demon.co.uk...
| [...]

| What's important here is that none of the
| things you say about me are going to help
| Ken, or others like him.

| [...]

What I need is a small group of Neuroscientists
who will allow me to Discuss Neuroscience with
them, in-person, preferably in some 'quiet' place,
sans 'hype'.

I'll except any formally-publinshed, replicable
Neruoscience experimental result, with respect to
which I can gain independent access, as a Test
of the work I've done.

I'll accept as many such experimental results as
folks're willing to provide me with food and shelter
during the discussion 'time'.

It's simple, David.

I'm not asking for anything other than the opportunity
to do Science with folks who profess to want to do

I've explained why it comes down to this. I've given
everything I had to doing Science. I've been 'living',
for years, now, on a day-to-day basis, just trying to
stay Alive while 'waiting' for the above simple
expectation to be fulfilled.

That failing, I'll die so 'waiting'.

If you haven't noticed, it's not that I 'want' to die, so

It's that, for whatever reason, I've not been able to find

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