"David Longley" <David at longley.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
news:+7twfcFcHar$EwZ9 at longley.demon.co.uk...
| [...]
| I've spent nearly 30 years in science
| in one form or another - so yes I
| do.
|| The more relevant point was - "Does Ken"?
| [...]
NDT: thirty-two years, and counting.
TH: 45 years, and counting.
I've explained my position, in some detail,
in long-former posts.
Poverty hones the 'razor's edge.
I've understood, all along, that I was not
doing 'science as usual'.
If 'doing science as usual' is 'more-import-
ant' than is doing Science, then there's
nothing I can do in the face of that, is there?
I do Science.
K. P. Collins