Food for Ken

Matthew Kirkcaldie Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au
Sun Nov 9 18:43:03 EST 2003

In article <2eb015dc16eddf45f8ebdbfeaf1b33e4 at news.teranews.com>,
 "OmegaZero2003" <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yet you "help" by telling people that they do not know what they are talking
> about, that thousands of neuroscientists are confused and idots, that people
> here should just read what you say and dismiss all other POV's because they
> are incorrect.  Etc,.

If you want to read this into the practical, compassionate and helpful 
advice that David offered Ken, you're viewing the world through a 
distorting prism of truly monstrous powers.  Saying that there is 
nonsense in the field of neuroscience is like saying that gemstones have 
flaws - it doesn't devalue the whole, as you seem to insist on taking it 
to mean.

I am impressed by the bravado you show while posting from an anonymous 
identity - nice one.  Grow up a little and do yourself a favour.


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