Food for Ken

David Longley David at longley.demon.co.uk
Sun Nov 9 18:07:47 EST 2003

In article <2eb015dc16eddf45f8ebdbfeaf1b33e4 at news.teranews.com>, 
OmegaZero2003 <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> writes
>"David Longley" <David at longley.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
>news:xiVjZWG+6jr$Ewoh at longley.demon.co.uk...
>> In article <560167a3d99b2f8e3d36a50b2f9ef9d5 at news.teranews.com>,
>> OmegaZero2003 <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> writes
>> >> >
>> >> >Are you so naive that you do not understand how science progresses?
>> >it
>> >> >is carried out Narcissus?
>> >> >
>> >> >>
>> <DL>
>> >> I've spent nearly 30 years in science in one form or another - so yes I
>> >> do.
>> >
>> >Psychologist hardly qualifies.
>> >
>> <DL>
>> >>
>> >> The more relevant point was - "Does Ken"?
>> >>
>> >> Or doesn't *that* matter you self-centred idiot.
>> >
>> >You are the master of self-centered-ness Narcissus!
>> >
>> >Besides being a moron that is.
>> >
>> >
>> That's just more irrelevant nonsense - but never mind - if you really
>> think that, and you disagree with what I have said - that's fine by me -
>> do some homework, and when you have, post something worth reading and
>> discussing.
>> What's important here is that none of the things you say about me are
>> going to help Ken, or others like him. Whether you picked up on it or
>> not - that's what most people would really like to do, and if you looked
>> more carefully into what I said, you would have seen something which
>> might at least have started something in that direction..
>> So quite independent of any faults I may or may not have (and I have my
>> fair share), your interjection so far has just been self-centred and
>> unhelpful.
>Yet you "help" by telling people that they do not know what they are talking
>about, that thousands of neuroscientists are confused and idots, that people
>here should just read what you say and dismiss all other POV's because they
>are incorrect.  Etc,.
I was taught by some of the best. Don't shoot the messenger.

My criticisms are not as undirected as you make out - and they *are* 

David Longley

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