Emerging Technologies and Ethical Issues

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Sun Nov 9 14:32:14 EST 2003

Engineers consider ethics
New technologies melding biology with machines create new dilemmas


Emerging Technologies and Ethical Issues

New technologies have the potential to produce positive and unforeseeable
(and possibly negative) results; among these are innovations in
sustainability, nanotechnology, neurotechnology, and energy technology.
By virtue of their expertise, engineers are in a unique position to
understand, assess, and shape these technologies, and to inform the
public about them.

On October 14 and 15, 2003, the NAE held a 1½ day public workshop,
"Emerging Technologies and Ethical Issues", with three objectives: 1)
to describe directions of development of these emerging technologies;
2) to review the state of the art in engineering ethics in search of
strategies and tools for addressing these emerging technologies; and
3) to address questions as to what engineers and engineering
professional organizations, such as the NAE, can and should do to
ensure that these technologies are developed in socially responsible



Especially worth listening to at the above workshop:

     Neurotechnology and Brain-Computer Interfaces:
     Ethical and Social Implications
     Paul Root Wolpe, Senior Fellow, Center for Bioethics,
     University of Pennsylvania

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Allen Barker

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