In article <560167a3d99b2f8e3d36a50b2f9ef9d5 at>,
OmegaZero2003 <OmegaZero2003 at> writes
>> >
>> >Are you so naive that you do not understand how science progresses? How
>> >is carried out Narcissus?
>> >
>> >>
>> I've spent nearly 30 years in science in one form or another - so yes I
>> do.
>>Psychologist hardly qualifies.
>>>> The more relevant point was - "Does Ken"?
>>>> Or doesn't *that* matter you self-centred idiot.
>>You are the master of self-centered-ness Narcissus!
>>Besides being a moron that is.
>>That's just more irrelevant nonsense - but never mind - if you really
think that, and you disagree with what I have said - that's fine by me -
do some homework, and when you have, post something worth reading and
What's important here is that none of the things you say about me are
going to help Ken, or others like him. Whether you picked up on it or
not - that's what most people would really like to do, and if you looked
more carefully into what I said, you would have seen something which
might at least have started something in that direction..
So quite independent of any faults I may or may not have (and I have my
fair share), your interjection so far has just been self-centred and
David Longley