Interface for messurng brain-flows?

r norman rsn_ at _comcast.net
Sat Nov 8 22:10:06 EST 2003

On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 03:48:59 +0100, "Robert Meier" <ro.me at t-online.de>

>Are there any interfaces tested in bioassays which gave out the flows for
>example between the retina and the optical brain center? I do not mean kind
>of external measuring. I mean an interface which is direct processing the
>informations and gives an external output.
>Best regards,.

It is hard to know just what you mean by "flows" or by "external
measuring".  Also, it is hard to know just how to answer without your
indicating in some way the level of background knowledge you have so
far about nerve signals and recording techniques.  From what you post,
it would seem very little, although I could be misinterpreting you.

In case you are just starting out -- there is an immense literature of
recording action potentials from the optic nerve (the connection
between the retina and the visual processing centers in the brain).
That is supplemented by an immense literature of recording from
retinal ganglion celss (the cells that send information from the
retina to the brain), as well as the other categories of cells in the

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