"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:S48pb.24689$Ec1.2219456 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> This topic is huge, so I'll continue to discuss
> it, a bit, below.
>> "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> news:38Tob.23583$Ec1.2125522 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...> |
> | "OmegaZero2003" <OmegaZero2003 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> | news:eeabfba6aa3cf3535dd74a9254353ed5 at news.teranews.com...> | |
> | | "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> | |
> news:z6Dob.22995$Ec1.2035357 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...> | | > [...]
> |
> | | > An over-abundance of neurons would only
> | | > 'get in the way' of convergence within the
> | | > global network.
> | |
> | |
> | | Nah! Not at all!!
> |
> | What I posted, quoted above, stands Proven.
> |
> | It's simple.
> |
> | Given that x neurons are required to embody
> | this or that 'thought' within the neural Topology,
> | a nervous system that has x neurons, will
> | converge more-rapidly, in a less-energy-con-
> | suming way, then will a nervous system having
> | x + n neurons.
> |
> | The inherent energy consumption is a measure
> | of information-processing efficiency.
> |
> | So, by imposing greater-than-necessary energy
> | consumption upon a nervous system's informa-
> | tion processing, an over-abundance of neurons
> | would only 'get in the way' of convergence within
> | the global network.
> |
> | Q. E. D.
> | [...]
>> It's simple, but it's also profound.
>> These considerations were some of the earliest
> stuff that allowed me to see that what nervous
> systems do is 'climb' the WDB2T energy-gradient.
>> There's a 'catch', though. It's been in AoK all along,
> and I've reiterated it repeatedly in prior posts.
>> It is that, to the degree that a nervous system 'opts'
> for 'going-directly' to its most-minimal-possible
> configuration, it eliminates the possibility of future
> convergence.
>> It's sadly been the case, throughout the course of
> Human History that, in absence-of-understanding
> of how and why nervous systems process iforma-
> tion via 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-inimization,
> groupwise interactive dynamics have tended,
> strongly, to coerse overly-rapid, and overly-severe,
> early 'conformity' with respect to haphazardly-
> accumulated 'rule'-sets.
>> This is literally in-nervous-system embodied in
> the form of premature "whittling" [AoK, Ap5,
> "hippocampus"] of neural numbers, which leaves
> nervous systems with reduced capacities for
> enduring the demands of ranging-widely within
> their host organisms' experiential environments.
>> Evolutionary dynamics addressed these consid-
> erations in the explosive augmentation of the
> prefrontal cortex in Humans. Which is why the
> prefrontal cortex is discussed in AoK, Ap7 as "a
> brain within the brain".
>> The prefrontal cortex literally embodies the fact
> that survival-optimal TD E/I-minimization can
> only occur over the long-term - be-cause exper-
> ience unfolds sequentially - one "can't see around
> the bend" in the 'road' one travels experientially -
> one doesn't experience everything that is to be
> experienced, say, during Infancy - so one's
> nervous system must actively preserve TD E/I-
> minimization capacity for handling stuff that will
> be experienced later.
>> The functioning of the prefrontal "brain within the
> brain" addresses this physical reality in a 'blindly'-
> automated way.
>> As I've discussed in the past, these dynamics tend
> to be experientially-optimized to the degree that
> experiential ranging-widely begins early and is
> sustained through Life.
>> Such ranging-widely does preserve an abundance
> of neurons, but one which is not "over-abundant"
> with respect to long-term TD E/I-minimization.
>> While enabling greater long-term TD E/I-minimiza-
> tion, such neuronal-preservation does 'get in the way'
> of relatively-short-term TD E/I-minimization, increasing
> the information-processing energy-consumption costs
> of relatively-short-term TD E/I-minimization. [This's
> why, for instance, 'nerds' are such easy 'targets'.
> 'Blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization converges
> upon the relatively-'familiar' thing, and 'castigates'
> nervous systems that are working to achieve TD E/I-
> minimization with respect to more-encompassing,
> longer-term goals that've become incompletely-
> 'delineated' during the course of the 'nerds' relative-
> ly-wider experience. [BTW, my 'rants' against the
> 'club'-iness of 'science' fall, superficially, into this
> negative category. I Admit it, and Apologize for such.
> It's just that I've never expected NDT's stuff to just
> be Accepted. I've been 'whining' about the fact
> that it's been actively Censored - so how can folks
> even experience its stuff so that they can consider
> it, and, then, Accept or Reject it?]
>> All of this stuff matters greatly because, left to their
> innate 'blindly'-automated information-processing
> propensities, nervous systems virtually always do
> not range-widely sufficiently. The Sorrowful result
> being that 'confinement' within experiential 'borders'
> tends, strongly, to establish "them vs. us" interact-
> ive dynamics when those TD E/I-minimization-
> correlated 'borders' are 'crossed'.
>> When this happens, interactive TD E/I 'blindly' and
> automatically augments, and interactive dynamics
> tend, strongly, to spiral-inwardly [AoK, Ap8] until
> they literally explode in "aggression".
>> This's what happened with respect to 2001-09-11,
> with respect to Iraq, with respect to the Holy Land,
> with respect to Northern Ireland - with respect to
> =all= War that has occurred throughout the course
> of Human History.
>> Humanity is in a race against its own self destruction.
>> In one 'lane', is 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-mini-
> mization.
>> In the other, is understanding with respect to 'blindly'-
> automated TD E/I-minimization.
>> From my perspective, it's awesomely-Sorrowful that
> the outcome of this 'race' remains in-doubt.
>> It remains in-doubt be-cause 'blindly'-automated,
> short-shrifted TD E/I-minimization is still being
> opted-for during all processes that select Leadership,
> be they the Savagery through which a dictator rises to
> 'power', or the 'elective' dynamics that prey-upon
> Citizenries through invocations of merely-'familiar'
> Prejudice.
>> If the 'race' it to be won by understanding - if Humanity
> is to Survive and Prosper - what's needed is Leader-
> ship that will, itself, range-widely in its experience,
> act in accord with such, and actively foster further
> action in accord with such.
>> Of course, there's a 'difficulty' inherent.
>> There's a lot of 'blindly'-automated TD E/I-minimization
> out there, and anything and anyone who ventures into
> the midst of such tends to get 'beat-up' real-fast by it.
>> Still, it must be accomplished if Humanity is to Survive
> and Prosper.
>> It's all just simple energydynamics, around which there
> exists no way.
You are smoking too much pot!
Try reading some Wheeler and B. Fuller for a more rounded view of Universe.
>> k. p. collins