mobile phone research aims to analyze brain waves

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Fri Nov 7 13:54:44 EST 2003

[The NTT DoCoMo company plans to develop phones which can analyze
brain waves.  "Synthetic telepathy" by cell phone.  You might be
surprised at what can *already* be detected from cell phone emissions:

     Cell Phones May Tap Vital Signs


     That is because the signal from a cell phone reveals two vital signs:
     a person's pulse and breathing rate. Better still, the person does not
     even have to answer the phone.

     The Bell Labs engineers, led by the husband-and wife team of Victor
     Lubecke and Olga Boric-Lubecke, noticed that some of the microwaves
     transmitted by a cell phone's antenna bounce back to the phone from
     the user's chest, heart and lungs.

     As those organs move, the frequency of the reflected radiation is
     Doppler shifted by a tiny amount. If the lung is expanding, the
     radiation bouncing off it is pushed closer together, slightly raising
     its frequency. A contracting lung lowers the frequency. The variation
     is tiny: one hertz in a billion.


Using finger-vibration as an earpiece for the phone below seems to be
another application of Terfenol or a similar "smart metal."]


Put your hands together for the truly digital mobile
London, November 7, 2003

Making a mobile phone call could soon be as simple as clicking your
fingers and putting your forefinger in your ear.

The Japanese company NTT DoCoMo is developing a wearable mobile phone
that uses the human body to make calls. Called Finger Whisper, the
device is built into a narrow strap worn on the wrist like a watch. To
answer a call, the user simply touches forefinger to thumb and puts
their forefinger in their ear.

Electronics in the wristband convert sound waves into vibrations,
which are carried through the bones of the hand to the ear so that the
user can hear the other caller. With bones transmitting sound
vibrations better than air, the sound quality is expected to surpass a
conventional mobile phone.

A microphone in the wristband replaces the cell phone's usual
mouthpiece, and instead of dialling a number, the user says it out
loud. Voice recognition technology turns the command into a dialled

The eventual goal, according to a report in Nikkei Weekly, a Japanese
newspaper, is to analyse brain waves, although that carries the danger
that mobile phone users could inadvertently pass on their innermost
thoughts about the person with whom they are speaking.

- Telegraph


Let your fingers do the talking
Throw away your earpiece, soon your finger could be
helping you make and take calls via your mobile phone.
Thursday, 6 November, 2003, 11:31 GMT

Japanese phone firm NTT DoCoMo has created a wristwatch phone that
uses its owner's finger as an earpiece.

The gadget, dubbed Finger Whisper, uses a wristband to convert the
sounds of conversation to vibrations that can be heard when the finger
is placed in the ear.

So far NTT has given no date for when a commercial version will go on

Very handy

The wristband for the watchphone is key to the device's many features.

According to reports the Finger Whisper phone is answered by touching
forefinger to thumb and then by putting the forefinger in the ear to
hear who is ringing.

The call is ended by again touching forefinger to thumb.

Some of the latest earpieces for mobile phones also use sound
induction via the bones of the skull to let people hear who is talking
to them.

The sound converting wristband on the watch phone is also fitted with
a microphone that the phone owner can talk into.

The phone has no keypad but users can make a call by saying out loud
the number they want to reach.

Voice recognition electronics built in to the wristband decipher what
has been said and dial the number.

None of the early reports about the phone mention if it is possible to
use the wristphone to send text messages.

The gadget has been developed by NTT DoCoMo's Media Computing

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Allen Barker

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