Tests of bionic arm implant start

Allen L. Barker alb at datafilter.com
Fri Nov 7 13:48:59 EST 2003

Tests of bionic arm implant start


But this latest study takes the technology a bit further. This time,
scientists are trying to use the technology to restore movement and
to enable people to control movement in the arm.

The 2mm electrode is designed to be injected into the muscle in the
arm, beside key nerves.

Once in place, it is activated by a radio signal from a coil worn
by the patient.

The patient can activate these signals by pressing control buttons
on a box, which they can carry or place on a table.


"We are expecting to have implanted it into six subjects in 18
months time.

"If we have been successful, we will then go on to try to do more
clever things with the implant or test it clinically.


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Allen Barker

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