Legal Matter

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Fri Nov 7 10:28:27 EST 2003

Amendment to the Amendment, below.

"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:CIyqb.29687$Ec1.2720364 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| This one is not Neuroscience [hey, wait-
| a-'minute' - come to think of it, it is :-]
| My Dad's Home is being sold. I was
| required to sign a "Power of Attorney"
| thing. I asked to amend some of its
| wording [which was overly-generalized],
| and was denied permission to do so.
| So, I'm Declaring, here, that this Power
| of Attorney form that I Signed pertains
| solely to my 1/3 share of the sale of the
| Real Property that exists at 85 New York
| Avenue, Chicopee, MA, and that any and
| all Documents not so pertaining are not
| to be included in the exercise of the
| Power of Attorney Document that I
| Signed.
| Further note: This amendment to the
| Power of Attorney Document is not
| to be construed as reflecting, in any
| other way, upon the Empowerment that I <<<<<
| have granted to the Attorney Repre-
| senting my Dad's estate.
| [...]

K. P. Collins

[P. S. Sorry about having to do this here.]

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