
KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 6 17:25:08 EST 2003

I cancelled my internet account yesterday
in order to switch-over to devoting my
resources to offline stuff, but I realized
that, because my hours were increased
at the Restaurant on Tuesday, I won't
have the 'time' that's necessary to 'gear-
up' for the Problems that I was going to
work on [some of which pertain to stuff
that I don't expect to get around to
discussing until about ten years hence,
anyway ['wishful thinking' - if I Live that
long :-]

So, since the additional hours will cover
the cost of my internet account, I'm leaning
toward staying online.

If I do, I'm going to alter the focus of my
discussions, though, and I'll look for an-
other NG in which to discuss. [I'll post a
ref to it here in b.n, in case anyone
might be interested in receiving this
other-focused discussion.]

I'd like to just continue, here in b.n, but
I'm Fed-Up with the way the stuff I've dis-
cussed has been ab-used, so I'm going
to 'refrain' from discussing NDT & TH for
a while. This's Hard for me to do because
I'm still wanting to get the understanding
to those who Need it in their Lives. But
it's been the case that the import of the stuff
I've discussed has been usurped by 'pro-
fit-seekers', and the more of that that hap-
pens, the less-likely it becomes that my
work, done on behalf of those who Suffer
Greatly, will ever reach these folks for
whom the work was done [be-cause the
'profit-seekers' are 'powerful', and they
use their 'power' to cover-up]. I've been
watching this dynamic augment for a long
'time' already, have Verified it sufficiently,
and I'm going to look-it-in-the-eye, a bit..

It's Totally-Unacceptable that folks who
suffer greatly are being Preyed upon in this
way - that work done on their behalf is
usurped by others who are already well-

If it matters, I've =AGONIZED= over this
one thing. What I realized is that I was
looking at it all 'two'-selfishly - I was 'seeing'
only that 'my purpose' was being thwarted,
and, as long as I saw it that 'way', I was
'hung-up' in my Generalized-Disgust with
folks who 'put themselves first', wanting to
not give-in to such. So I was just going to
just 'take-it-on-the-chin'.

But, as has always been the case whenever
I've been 'tempted' to 'move away from' this
stuff that needs to be done, when I 'stepped
back' a bit, I saw that it's not 'me' that matters.
It's all those who will Suffer, and even Perish,
if things don't get sorted-out on their behalf.

So, I'll be taking things up, from a different
perspective, in another NG. I still don't know
when I'll begin [gotta sort things out within
my new employment schedule].

Or, if it turns out better-done that way, I
might just go ahead and work offline.

I'm not sure yet.

All I know is that I should stop 'feeding' the

"There's more than one way to skin a [thing]."

Either way, I'll be off in this other direction.

I've arrived at this 'point' with increasing
disgust and revulsion.

If, in it, one cannot do what one finds in
one's 'heart' on behalf of those who suffer,
America is really, really, really Broken -
only a shadow of the heights to which
Lincoln lifted it.

It needs to be addressed, Forthrightly.

ken [k. p. collins]

Sorry, be-cause of a malicious attack,
I've had to instruct my ISP to block all
email :-[ So, if you want to contact me,
please do it in the bionet.neuroscience.
newsgroup by posting a message.

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