Legal Matter

KP_PC k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net
Thu Nov 6 16:05:38 EST 2003

This one is not Neuroscience [hey, wait-
a-'minute' - come to think of it, it is :-]

My Dad's Home is being sold. I was
required to sign a "Power of Attorney"
thing. I asked to amend some of its
wording [which was overly-generalized],
and was denied permission to do so.

So, I'm Declaring, here, that this Power
of Attorney form that I Signed pertains
solely to my 1/3 share of the sale of the
Real Property that exists at 85 New York
Avenue, Chicopee, MA, and that any and
all Documents not so pertaining are not
to be included in the exercise of the
Power of Attorney Document that I

Further note: This amendment to the
Power of Attorney Document is not
to be construed as reflecting, in any
way, upon the Empowerment that I
have granted to the Attorney Repre-
senting my Dad's estate.

K. P. Collins

[P. S. Sorry about having to do this here.]

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