Food for Ken

Matthew Kirkcaldie Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au
Wed Nov 5 21:22:42 EST 2003

In article <jk9jqvsgk2n33dvkli6g3bgsf4pkchvhir at 4ax.com>,
 Reality Therapist <not at here.not> wrote:

> Embedding those empirical factoids into the protocols defined by fora
> classification supports a conclusion that discontinuation of such
> indiscriminant posting demonstrates respect for other forum members
> that will increase Ken's chances of BEING respected by them, at least
> in the form of increasing the odds of his work being read. To suggest
> that he be "kill-filed" instead quietly watches a course of action
> that points to nowhere. That's why asking him to stop demonstrates
> respect for everyone, especially Ken. That's also why I suggested that
> he consolidate his theory in some approachable, concise fashion. 
> Ken, if you've got something to say that's important, that's how
> people are going to find it - quality over quantity of output, and
> with content that's specifically related to a given forum, which your
> theories are, but your random news is not. And to define everything as
> being related to neurscience, as you have, imposes a
> meaning-destructive definition against the specified content protocol
> of this forum that constitutes a de facto attack on others ultimately
> not unlike a virus attack.  

You make several very valid points - if you'd expressed these things in 
the first place I wouldn't have been so quick to get on my high horse.  
But I'd still prefer not to silence someone by making communication 
uncomfortable - occasionally a pearl surfaces from the dross, and it can 
be a useful intellectual exercise to treat a so-called "crank" post as 
if it were a well formulated argument!


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