Food for Ken

Reality Therapist not at here.not
Wed Nov 5 21:00:15 EST 2003

On Tue, 04 Nov 2003 09:47:08 +1100, Matthew Kirkcaldie
<Matthew.Kirkcaldie at removethis.newcastle.edu.au> wrote:

>I think Ken is just trying to work something out for himself, but using 
>a public forum as a notebook.  I don't have the faintest idea what most 
>of his ideas refer to, and I suspect many have meaning only to him, but 
>I can't see the harm in it.  It requires a peculiar kind of ego to take 
>personal offence at someone "doing what they do."  I suggest that you 
>take the ten minutes required to figure out the use of killfiles if it 
>bothers you that much - or that perhaps you find something less trivial 
>to fret about.

>Don't push your opinion as "reality", thanks; you don't speak for me. 

There are, however, empirical criteria for the determination of
reality. Three of them are:

1. The name of this forum is: bionet.neuroscience.

2. Ken posts a steady stream of random current news.

3. The name of this forum is NOT: bionet.anything.

Embedding those empirical factoids into the protocols defined by fora
classification supports a conclusion that discontinuation of such
indiscriminant posting demonstrates respect for other forum members
that will increase Ken's chances of BEING respected by them, at least
in the form of increasing the odds of his work being read. To suggest
that he be "kill-filed" instead quietly watches a course of action
that points to nowhere. That's why asking him to stop demonstrates
respect for everyone, especially Ken. That's also why I suggested that
he consolidate his theory in some approachable, concise fashion. 

Ken, if you've got something to say that's important, that's how
people are going to find it - quality over quantity of output, and
with content that's specifically related to a given forum, which your
theories are, but your random news is not. And to define everything as
being related to neurscience, as you have, imposes a
meaning-destructive definition against the specified content protocol
of this forum that constitutes a de facto attack on others ultimately
not unlike a virus attack.  

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