"Intel Claims Breakthrough in Chip Making
Published: November 5, 2003"
It's the NL-P, of course.
k. p. collins
"KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
news:jgGhb.175681$3o3.13006996 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| "KP_PC" <k.p.collins at worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
|news:Mhrhb.175006$3o3.12934736 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
| | [...]
|| | Have 'you' ever 'wondered', as I have Why
| | body temp is so-routinely 98.6. I'm aware that
| | 'normal' body temp varies, a bit, but the common-
| | place precise replication of "98.6" has always
| | 'intrigued' me.
| |
| | Today, I realized that the NL-P dynamics that
| | I've been discussing here in b.n are Probably
| | what underpins evolutionary dynamics' con-
| | vergence upon "98.6"-'precision' and "fever"
| | energy-dynamics.
| |
| | The 'precise' body temp is, itself, a Dependency
| | of Human-Life be-cause(?) it's part of the NL-P
| | tuning of the Compton Refraction dynamics
| | upon which Human-Life Depends(?).
| |
| | You know - it's not 'just' 'molecules'. It's molecules
| | under forced-NL-P-tuning via body temp - as above
| | [and in the QBasic apps].
|| And, in my prior discussion of DNA-RNA tuning
| via 'Coulomb force', which [I think] is still on the
| b.n board as I write this.
|| | The body raises it's temperature be-cause(?)
| | doing so taps-into the TempK-driven NL-P
| | energydynamics discussed above, and this
| | imposes dis-order upon dis-ease agents'
| | energydynamics - alters their 'Coulomb force'
| | [DNA-RNA] tuning dynamics away from their
| | natural tendencies.
| |
| | Which makes me want to explore "nano-heat"
| | treatments. Perhaps exothermic pharmaceut-
| | icals should be explored? You know - attach
| | them to molecular-seeking agents that 'target'
| | dis-ease biochemistry - where they'll raise
| | TempK, thereby, nonlinearly spreading the
| | energydynamics upon which the dis-ease
| | agents depend for their viabilities into low-
| | er-frequency 'ranges'.
|| Of course, also be-cause of the NL-P, the
| thermal range of such pharmaceuticals will
| have to be very-precisely-controlled - their
| functionalities must be precisely-tuned with
| respect to the NL-P-stuff that evolutionary
| dynamics have converged-upon.
|| | You know - "impose dis-order" upon the dis-
| | ease agent's molecular-'level' energydynamics,
| | and that will render the dis-ease agents non-
| | [or less-] functional(?)
| | [...]
|| For that matter, it is now Rigorously-Established
| that =all= pharmaceutical applications are funct-
| tional only to the degree that their action[s] do,
| in fact, 'coincide' with the NL-P=stuff that evol-
| utionary dynamics have converged-upon.
|| This's another, more-precise, way of addressing
| the "functional-multiplexing" stuff that's discussed
| in AoK, Ap9.
|| It is the 'handle' through which "functional multiplex-
| ing" =can be= 'addressed'. [The =only= 'handle'
| there is.]
|| Volumes can be [and surely will be] written on this
| one 'facet' of NDT & TH - NL-P Medicine.
|| A =Lot= is, Forevermore, Nailed-Down, here.
|| kpc [K. P. Collins]