Rapid brain shrinkage an early sign of schizophrenia?

KingofNorway at sardines.com KingofNorway at sardines.com
Tue Nov 4 18:33:11 EST 2003

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 10:23:24 -0700, "Steve Harris"
<sbharris at ix.RETICULATEDOBJECTcom.com> wrote:
>We use "schizophrenia" for completely delusional people who
>think they are Jesus one day, the King of Norway the next,
>and a secret government operative in charge of stopping the
>alien invasion the next. And who often hear voices in their
>heads telling them such things, which in times past they
>attributed to supernatural, and today seem to attribute to
>government or extraterrestrial technology.
>Are you suggesting a better word, for this sad condition,

President of the United States?

A man who invaded Iraq because he heard voices that told him that Sadam had
weapons of mass destruction?

A man who invaded Iraq because of 9/11 even though Sadam had nothing to do with
the that attack.

Or maybe just the 55% of the American people who agree with this logic?

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